Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Immunity - Cold Defense Supplements Can Increase Your Immunity

One of the worst diseases is suffering from cold. This is the disease caused due to virus and which spreads very fast. It happens to every one at least once in a year mostly at the time of change of season. The best way to recover from this flu is bed rest. The more you relax the faster you can get rid of cold. But no one wants stay on the bed, so every one searches for alternates. There are many different viruses that are spreading this cold infection. You can protect yourself from cold by following some precautions. One of the most important things is washing your hands before taking meal.

Virus can be every where and on any thing you touch like doors, windows, books, utensils etc. Virus fix to our body after touching these things and this virus get inside our body through food if injected by your infected hands. This virus can be removed by washing hands with a good antiseptic soap. It is not necessary that every where you can find soap so it is important to keep soap or a paper soap along with you when ever you go out. One way is to increase your immune power so that you can tackle with these infections.

You can make your immune system stronger by using the supplements to increase immunity. These supplements can be artificial or natural. Immunity – cold defense supplements can be used and are also the best supplements available. Regular intake of these supplements for some time will increase your immune power. Due to lack of Vitamin C you can catch the flu. So if you are regular patient of cold then start taking Vitamin C. Our body is naturally capable of providing immunity to the body. But sometimes immunity is also weak before viruses so for that cases it is important to increase your immune power.

Immune shield naturally protects our body from the assault of bacteria’s and viruses that spread infection. The unhealthy lifestyle, decrease the immune power of your body which will increase the tendency of your body to catch diseases. A person can never stay happy living on the bed. Diseases affect the person physically and economically. Eating green vegetables can increase your immune power. Vegetables are grown using chemicals now a day which does not provide any nutrition to the body. Avoiding fast food and drinking smoking can increase your immune power.